Brunata lanserer digital plattform for eiendomsadministratorer og helt ny mobilapp for beboere


10. January 2022

Brunata Online brukes av eiendomsadministratorer for å få oversikt over energiforbruk og utgifter i boligbygg. Samtidig er plattformen en viktig kilde til informasjon om for eksempel store avvik i energiforbruket, som kan kreve rask intervensjon for å unngå høye kostnader.

Nå er plattformen også tilgjengelig i en versjon for beboere. Med Brunata Online for beboere har hver beboer muligheten til å følge sitt eget forbruk av varme, vann, elektrisitet og gass dag for dag, og forbruket kan overvåkes mer presist for hver måler i hvert rom. Beboeren kan blant annet sammenligne forbruk med tidligere perioder for å se om det er store avvik, noe som gjør det mye enklere å justere forbruket og dermed spare på strømregningene.

Ny mobilapp gjør det enda enklere

Samtidig lanseres en helt ny app for beboerne, som gjør det enda enklere for individuelle beboere å sjekke forbruket. Alle tilgjengelige data presenteres på en enkel og tydelig måte i appen. Beboere kan sammenligne forbruk med tidligere perioder, stille inn alarmer for svingninger i forbruk og motta tips om energisparing.

Appen kan lastes ned fra App Store eller Google Play (hvis eiendommen har registrert seg for tjenesten).

Gode nyheter for administratorer også

Det er gode nyheter for administratorer også. Med introduksjonen av en oppdatert versjon av Brunata Online vil administratorer også finne nye måter å optimalisere arbeidet sitt på.

Den nye generasjonen av systemet har blitt redesignet med et enklere grensesnitt, som gjør det enda lettere å få tak i informasjonen du trenger. Data er raske å lese, navigasjonen er intuitiv, og det legges hele tiden til nye intelligente funksjoner. Som en ny funksjon vil det være mulig å invitere nye brukere og beboere via e-post.

Alt i alt får både beboere og administratorer bedre oversikt, noe som kan spare tid på administrative oppgaver og penger på strømregninger.

Brunata.One: The gateway to a networked world


The new Brunata.One platform of the Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group bundles in excess of 70 Smart Building, Smart City and Smart Mobility solutions for a variety of target groups.

How can buildings, industrial plants, districts and municipalities be managed in a state-of-the-art manner? Through IoT networking and control using cloud solutions. The Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group has now unveiled an appropriate platform for this purpose. Brunata.One pools more than 70 solutions in the areas of Smart Building, Smart City and Smart Mobility. The platform is the gateway to the entire product and service world of the consortium and, similar to a kit, allows customers who include energy companies and municipal authorities to select and combine a variety of services. This creates innovative end-to-end solutions that, in addition to making buildings and municipalities more energy efficient, also ensure they are safer, more sustainable and healthier. Brunata.One is a joint project involving Brunata, Minol and ZENNER, three enterprises steeped in tradition, and its innovative start-ups and spin-offs from the IoT and energy sector. “This close cooperation gives us a 360 degree view of current challenges in real estate, district and urban management. Our companies bundle their know-how to digitise relevant processes and simplify the work of numerous market players”, explains Alexander Lehmann, CEO of the Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group.

Four target groups, a single platform

The complete solution portfolio encompasses four areas:

Brunata.One City provides digital infrastructures for public utilities, municipalities, towns and cities. A broad spectrum of solutions is enabled through the use of holistic IoT solutions and intelligent measurement and cutting-edge communication technology. The portfolio ranges from multiple meter reading, e-mobility and sharing to intelligent street lighting.

Brunata.One Living encompasses services, platforms, apps and both measurement and IoT services for digital administration of real estate. In short, Brunata.One Living makes life smarter, safer and more sustainable. In addition to saving a lot of time for owners, lessors and administrators, this is also more convenient for the occupants of homes.

Brunata.One Industry is a digital kit incorporating IoT business intelligence and mobility solutions for industrial, commercial and logistical applications. Brunata.One Industry offers tailored applications ranging from vehicle fleet analysis and the smart construction site to LoRaWAN network operation.

Brunata.One Community provides a mutual exchange forum, with universities, research institutes and IoT professionals meeting like-minded parties here with whom they can develop and implement their own applications. Any IoT newcomers who wish to delve into this area are also more than welcome to join in.

Service in kit form

Brunata.One functions on the basis of a modular principle. All solutions in the portfolio, ranging from Minol Connect Insights value-added services relating to all aspects of real estate and the charging infrastructure for e-vehicles to smart waste disposal, can be combined easily with each other. Platform users can draw inspiration from the broad range of services and put together the exact solutions required for their applications. A modern, uncluttered design and coloured markings further facilitate searching. In addition, registered users can log into My Brunata.One and access all booked platforms from here. Moreover, Brunata.One also provides a broad selection of interfaces and is perfectly compatible with other systems. This means that solutions can also be combined with items offered by other providers.

About the Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group

The Group is a family-run consortium providing measurement technology, billing services and IoT, e-mobility and sharing solutions for global markets. With subsidiaries and distribution partners operating locally in over 100 countries, it employs more than 4,200 personnel around the globe. The takeover of Brunata International in Copenhagen in the summer of 2018 saw it establish itself as the third-largest provider of submetering solutions in the world. Minol is a leading global service provider for the real estate industry. Its headquarters are in Leinfelden-Echterdingen, and 20 subsidiaries secure its operations all over Germany. The company provides support in the real estate industry during digitisation of its processes and the implementation of future scenarios such as Smart Home, Smart Care and Smart City. With its headquarters in Saarbrücken, ZENNER develops, manufactures and distributes measurement technology and system solutions based on Internet of things (IoT) technologies. IoT services range from project development and measurement data acquisition and processing to applications at end user facilities. The Minol-ZENNER Group strengthens its position as a digital pioneer through the creation of spin-offs or integration of specialised companies, including in the areas of business intelligence, cloud computing, the Internet of things (IoT) and e-mobility.

Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group supports fight against coronavirus


Last week, the Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group donated medical equipment worth 4.5 million renminbi – roughly equivalent to 600,000 euro – to the Shanghai Charity Foundation. The measurement devices will be used to help treat seriously ill patients.

February 2020 – The Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group and China have a long tradition together. The company has been operating in the country for more than 20 years and currently runs five sites there, staffed by over 2,000 employees. “We have a strong connection to the country and its people and are very grateful for the way the Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group has been able to flourish in China. For that reason, there was never any doubt we would help in the fight against the coronavirus at this difficult time,” explains Alexander Lehmann, CEO of the Brunata -Minol-ZENNER Group. The specialist measuring technology company has donated medical equipment to the value of 4.5 million renminbi (approximately 600,000 euro), which is to be used in the treatment of coronavirus patients.

Handover ceremony in Shanghai

Last week, Peter Yang, General Manager of ZENNER China, presented the donation to Guoping Fang, Vice President of the Shanghai Charity Foundation, and Wendong Xu, Vice President of Huashan Hospital – one of the hospitals whose team will be using the new equipment in Wuhan. Wendong Xu accepted the donation with gratitude: “Brunata-Minol-ZENNER has a reputation for precise measurements. The fact the company is applying its core expertise in the medical sector during the current situation and donating high-precision health monitoring equipment will really benefit our patients.” Germany’s Consul General, Dr. Christine Althauser, had this to add: “I would like to thank the Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group for its exemplary display of commitment. I am certain this generous donation will play in important part in addressing equipment shortages in hospitals.”

Consequences of the coronavirus

Since the coronavirus broke out in Wuhan, all the subsidiaries and staff of the Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group in China have been supporting efforts to prevent and stem the epidemic. They are pulling together to fight the coronavirus and, as far as possible, safeguarding the delivery and service guarantee for domestic and global customers.

About the Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group

The family-managed corporate group offers measurement technology, billing services and IoT and e-mobility solutions for global markets. The corporation employs a workforce of more than 3,700 worldwide, and local subsidiaries and distributors can be found in more than 100 countries. Minol is one of the world’s leading service providers for the real estate business. Headquartered in Leinfelden-Echterdingen, 20 branch offices ensure the company’s presence throughout Germany. The company supports the real estate business during the digitalisation of processes and the implementation of future scenarios such as smart home, smart care and smart city. ZENNER, headquartered in Saarbrücken, Germany, develops, produces and markets measurement technology and system solutions based on internet of things technologies. It offers comprehensive IoT services from project development to measurement data acquisition and processing to application at the end user’s operation. Several other companies from areas such as the IoT world are also members of the Brunata-Minol-ZENNER Group. More information is available at, and