Communication Technologies

LoRaWAN®: the leading network standard for remote metering and IoT

Discover the benefits of LoRaWAN®, a network designed to adapt to future needs in metering and Internet of Things (IoT) solutions.

What is LoRaWAN®?

Brunata uses the LoRaWAN® network standard to collect data from our wireless ZENNER meters and sensors. It is a globally tested network built on open standards that has been on the market since 2015.

The network is easy to install and is able cover large areas in densely populated areas. This makes LoRaWAN® ideal for both remote metering and Smart Building solutions, where Internet of Things devices help optimise building operations.

What We Use the Network For

„At Brunata, we use LoRaWAN® for remote metering of consumption meters in our clients‘ buildings. This allows both administrators and residents to have continuous access to consumption data via our digital platform, Brunata Online.

Furthermore, we use LoRaWAN® for our Smart Building solutions. Meters and sensors in a building store data on temperatures, consumption, humidity, etc. By collecting this information and making it available to the facility managers, you can optimise the property’s energy consumption and create a healthier indoor climate.“

Facts about LoRaWAN®

  • Supports long-distance communication
  • Ideal for handling small data sets
  • Ensures long battery life for devices
  • Resistant to interference
  • Built on open standards
  • One of the most widely used network standards for IoT

What are the advantages of LoRaWAN®?

A solution with great flexibility

With LoRaWAN@, you get a network that can be used for multiple purposes: remote metering of water, heating, cooling, and gas as well as for future IoT solutions enabling you to optimise building operations with insights from meters and sensors.

Secure data processing

All data exchange between our servers and your devices is encrypted. Additionally, all data is stored and processed within the EU's borders in accordance with GDPR.

Optimal coverage

LoRaWAN® networks are already established in most major and medium-sized cities around Europe.

Visualization of data

Data from your meters and other digital devices is collected in our administration platform, Brunata Online. From Brunata Online you can set up graphs and models, draw statistics, share information with the residents and much more.

Remote metering data exchange - how does it work?

When Brunata connects a property to the LoRaWAN® network, we ensure that all remotely read meters send data to our servers. If necessary, we set up network boxes (gateways).

The LoRaWAN® network is the infrastructure – or highway if you will – that allows data packets to be sent back and forth 24-7-365. The secure and stable network technology is an important component in the transition from manual to remote metering.

Furthermore, the LoRaWAN® network is one of the most widely used network standards for IoT. The combination of wireless technology, long battery life for devices, and wide coverage in densely populated areas makes LoRaWAN® ideal for Smart Building solutions. Sensors can be placed indoors and outdoors and in places that are difficult to reach.

LoRaWAN® is a globally tested network for collecting data from meters, sensors, and other devices.This makes it ideal for both remote metering of consumption meters and Smart Building solutions.

Vi understøtter Wireless M-Bus

LoRaWAN® er Brunatas foretrukne netværksstandard til forbrugsmåling og IoT-baseret dataindsamling. Vi understøtter dog også Wireless M-Bus. Det er en netværksteknologi, der er sammenlignelig med LoRaWAN®, og også bruges til fjernaflæsning og IoT-løsninger.

Wireless M-Bus-baserede enheder kan anvende den europæiske Open Metering System-standard (OMS) til dataudveksling. Som kunder mærker man ingen forskel på, om dataudvekslingen sker via den ene eller den anden teknologi: Alt sendes krypteret, sikkert og stabilt.

Uanset om I har en LoRaWAN®- eller Wireless M-Bus-netværksboks, kan Brunata håndtere teknologien. Vi kan således overtage en installation, der bruger Wireless M-Bus til forbrugsmåling i dag, udvide den med et LoRaWAN®-netværk og åbne op for flere Smart Building-løsninger.

De største forskelle på LoRaWAN® og Wireless M-Bus er:

  • Rækkevidden på Wireless M-Bus-enheder er kortere end på LoRaWAN®
  • Der skal flere Wireless M-Bus-netværksbokse for at dække samme område
  • Wireless M-Bus-baserede enheder sender datapakker med en højere frekvens
  • LoRaWAN@ har et større udvalg af enheder til IoT-formål

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