Brunata app

Track your consumption with our app

With Brunata’s app in hand, it is easy to see where you can save on energy

A single digital tool for residents

The Brunata app is an integral component of Brunata’s digital platform, Brunata Online. If the property or administrator has acquired resident access to Brunata Online, all residents will be granted access to both the app and the online platform.

Brunata App: Residents can continuously monitor their consumption of heating, water, electricity, and more on their smartphone or tablet.

Download the app for Android

Download the app for iPhone/iPad

Brunata Online: Residents can visualise their consumption, access consumption accounts, and more. Brunata Online is accessible via browser on both computers and smartphones/tablets.

Access Brunata Online here.

Residents get this with Brunata Online

  • An overview of their consumption, detailed down to each individual meter.
  • Monitoring their consumption, including notifications on increased usage based on self-selected limits.
  • Consumption on either a monthly or weekly basis.
  • A streamlined approach to reducing consumption and conserving the planet’s resources.

How the Brunata app works

Application features

When logged into the app, you will receive an overview of the consumption types for the current period.

A brief overview provides a comparison with previous periods.

You can also explore tips on how to reduce consumption and achieve a better indoor climate.

Consumption overview

Once you have selected the consumption type, the current period’s consumption will be displayed in clear, easy-to-read graphs.

By clicking on the values, you can view the allocation of consumption across the various meters within the home.


You can now view a graphical comparison of consumption for the current period against previous periods.


On the menu screen, you can access the consumption overview, view details of various meters, and utilise the monitoring function.


Within the monitoring function, you can track your consumption and configure alarms to receive notifications if your usage deviates from the average level.

Meter readings

Here you receive a detailed visualisation of the individual units. You can name the meters to facilitate better tracking of each unit’s consumption.

Do you need help with the app?

If you have any questions regarding the app or Brunata Online, you can find the answers here.

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