Toilet monitoring

Identify running toilets with advanced monitoring solutions

With Brunata’s Smart Building service, you can swiftly identify running toilets, thereby safeguarding residents from incurring costly additional charges. Simultaneously, you enhance the property’s sustainability.

Avoid unexpected issues with intelligent monitoring

Brunata’s running toilet monitoring service oversees the water supply to the cistern. Should a continuous flow be detected in the hose, you will receive an immediate notification via email, enabling you to promptly address the issue. This proactive approach helps you and your residents prevent water wastage and avoid exorbitant bills.

1.100 litres of water per day

Running toilets are an expensive issue. You can easily waste up to 1,100 litres of clean water per day, equivalent to 10 filled bathtubs. Often, the toilet can run for several weeks or months before it is discovered, impacting both the environment and the water bill.

Running toilets are usually easy to repair, but most residents are unaware of the problem until they receive the water bill. For some, this can result in an inability to pay the bill.
(* Kilde: Energistyrelsen, 2021)

The running toilet service comprises three elements:

1. Intelligent sensors

Our wireless sensors continuously monitor the water supply to the cistern and detect any instances of running toilets.

2. Brunata Online:

The digital platform offers a comprehensive overview of all data across properties and provides immediate notifications if a running toilet is detected.

Comprehensive service included

Brunata's skilled service technicians handle the installation, monitoring, and maintenance of sensors, ensuring you are free from concerns regarding batteries or installation.

Sensors, service, and system integrated into a single solution

Similar to our other Smart Building services, running toilet monitoring operates on a subscription model, requiring a fixed annual fee per sensor.

Ongoing toilet monitoring

The package comprises:

Wireless running toilet sensor
Access to data and overview in Brunata Online
Comprehensive service: installation and setup, battery replacement upon expiry, and continuous maintenance

Do you want to know more about Smart Building?

We are ready to help you with your Smart Building solution, whether it involves a larger project or a tender.

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Facts about the sensor

  • Accelerometer i den sensoren måler vandtilførslen til cisternen
  • Målenøjagtighed ned til 8 liter vand i timen
  • Netværk: LoRaWAN®-netværk (868 MHz)
  • Sendefrekvens: hvert 10. minu
Learn more about the sensor here

Would you like to learn more about our Smart Building solutions?

With Brunata Smart Building, we provide sensors and solutions that comprehensively monitor your property from the basement to the roof. Our offering consists of four distinct services, allowing you the flexibility to choose the specific services and the quantity you wish to include in your subscription.

Brunata Smart Building

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Leakage Monitoring

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Indoor climate monitoring

Prevent rot and mould fungus by using indoor climate sensors to monitor temperature and humidity levels in the building's rooms and apartments.

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Intelligent smoke detectors

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