Help for residents

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For general inquiries related to Brunata’s services, please visit the website in your country for localized support.

Brunata Online

Find the most frequently asked questions and answers for Brunata Online here.

To log in, you must have received an activation letter or email from your administrator.

If you have received a letter from your administrator, please use the activation code provided.

Visit and select ‘New user’.

Click on ‘Yes, I am a resident’.

Please complete the fields in the form.

  • Activation code: Please enter the activation code provided in your activation letter. Note that the code must be utilised within one month from the date of the activation letter.
  • Email: Please enter the email address you wish to use as your username and associate with your account.
  • Confirm email: Please re-enter your email address to ensure it is accurate.
  • Mobile number: Please enter your mobile number along with the country code.
  • Password: Please enter the password you wish to use to log in to Brunata Online.
  • Confirm password: Re-enter the password
  • Click on ‘Execute’ when all fields are filled in.

If a resident with the provided email address has not yet been created, a confirmation will indicate that a verification email has been dispatched to the specified email address.

Please check your email, including the spam filter, for a message from

Please click on the link provided in the email to verify your email address. Upon verification, your account will be created, and you will be redirected to the login page. You can then log in using your email and chosen password.


If your administrator has your email address, you will receive an activation email.

Click on the link in the email before the specified date.

Please enter the password you wish to use to log in to Brunata Online and click ‘Execute’.

You are now registered with Brunata Online and can proceed to log in at using your email address as your username and your chosen password.

Your username is the email address you used during registration. If you are unable to recall this email, please reach out to your administrator, who can locate your username in your resident profile.

If you have forgotten your password or need to reset it, please follow these steps:

  • Select ‘Brunata Online’ from the menu on or visit directly.
  • Click on ‘Forgot Password’ in the login window.
  • Please enter your username or the email address associated with your Brunata account.
  • Please enter your information to receive a new password.
  • Note: If you cannot remember your username, please contact your administrator, who can locate it on your resident profile.

Ensure that you are using the email address associated with your account creation.

It appears that the account you are attempting to create already exists. Please try recovering your password instead.

As a resident, you can monitor your consumption and access your consumption accounts from your computer or tablet via Brunata Online. If your administrator has granted residents access to Brunata Online, you also have the option to monitor your consumption on your smartphone through the Brunata App.

As a resident, you will only have access to Brunata Online if your meters are remotely read and your administrator has purchased resident access. Should resident access be acquired, your administrator must register you as a user in Brunata Online.

Brunata's App

If your property provides resident access to Brunata Online, you may download the Brunata app to your smartphone or tablet.

You can download the app here for:



If you need assistance with the app, we have created a guide available here

Did you not find what you were looking for?

You are always welcome to contact us should you require any assistance.

Contact us here