Consumption accounts


and fair allocation

It should be easy and clear

One of Brunata’s basic services is accurate consumption accounts delivered on time. As both administrator and resident, it is crucial to receive accurate data that provides an overview and ensures a fair allocation of expenses. But it is at least as important that this data is easy to read and understand. For this reason, Brunata also offers a unique visualisation that gives the recipient an easy and clear picture of consumption and expenses.

Based on the latest technology, we offer data in two main areas: consumption data with a reliable allocation of costs for electricity, water and heat consumption, and property data to optimise the property’s entire energy consumption, condition and indoor climate.

Residential or commercial property

Brunata has extensive experience with consumer accounts in both types of property. Residents, administrators and businesses with commercial leases have an interest in measuring energy consumption and allocation as accurately and fairly as possible, and in making consumption accounts easy and efficient. As a partner, Brunata always makes sure it keeps abreast of the legislation. If changes occur, we will inform you as soon as possible and adapt the consumption accounts to the new requirements.

Do it yourself or let Brunata do it

If you, as an administrator, have the necessary expertise and have employees to prepare the consumption accounts, you can choose to receive only the raw or validated data files from Brunata and you will be responsible for the accounts and contact with the residents.Alternatively, you can choose a full-service solution from Brunata, where we handle all aspects of the accounts including important and often very time-consuming customer services.

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